Migration from Form Factory 1

November 11, 2022
 To migrate from Form factory 1 to form Factory 2, there is only one question to answer : have you customized your Form Factory or do you use the default package.

Default Form Factory v1 forms

  1. Upload/Deploy Form Factory V2 along Form Factory V1
  2. Undeploy Form Factory V1 (bug in DX preventing the load of the correct taglib)
  3. Restart DX

These are all the steps needed if your forms are using only components from Form Factory V1

(Core & Snippets Extension modules).

If that case all your forms and results are available right away.

Form Factory v1 with custom extensions

  1. If you have custom inputs, please refer to Howoto-Inputs.pdf to convert them
  2. If you have custom validations, please refer to Howto-Validations.pdf to convert them
  3. If you have custom actions, please refer to Howto-CustomAction.pdf to convert them