Sending a confirmation email to a submitter

March 6, 2023

This topic describes the Send Email To Submitter action. The action sends a confirmation email to the user who submits a given form.


When creating/updating a form, go to the actions view and select Add Element.

In the side panel select the Send Email To Submitter action and close the side panel.

To set up the action, simply click on the edit icon associated with the action and choose the input that will represent the submitter’s email.

Forms will then use that field as the recipient of the submission email.

Finally we have to configure the sendEmailToSubmitter mixin options in the form display. To do this, enable send email to submitter option and fill in the following fields.



You can specify to sender’s email by entering a valid email address in the from field. You can use the server’s default from email by omitting this field.



Next enter in a subject for the email.

*This field is mandatory

Last but not least use the rich text editor in order to customize your body message.

Note: You can use the macro system to use submitted input information directly in the email message. You do so by surrounding the input’s name with {{ }}, as illustrated above.
Upon successful configuration of Send Email To Submitter action, the submitter should receive an email reflecting the one pictured below.