About input bucket directives

February 2, 2022

The following document will explain the usage of the input bucket directive.

Input bucket directive attributes:

  • bucketMode (=) boolean , Inputs can only be selected once
  • multiStepMode (=) boolean , Inputs grouped by step number
  • displayTitle (=) boolean , Whether to display the input directives default title. Can be overridden by setting the following resource bundle key: angular.ffInputBucketDirective.label.selectInput
  • setDefault (=) boolean , If true, the first available input will be selected if no previous value was selected.
  • fieldName (=) string , represents the previously selected input field name. Also used to initialize selectedInput.
  • emitOnChange (@?) string , The name of a function that should be emitted once an input has been selected. Will contain the selectedInput as the 2nd parameter
  • broadcast (&?) A function that will be called once an input has been selected.
    • When the provided function is called you can, for example perform a broadcast to alert any listeners about the change.
  • availableInputs (=) array, A prepared array containing objects that describe the represented inputs. Required properties are:
    • stepName - Used as the group name when grouping inputs.
    • stepIndex - Used to sort inputs when using multiStepMode.
    • index - Index of the input object in the availableInputs array. Used to track the selected inputs.
    • fieldName - The input name.
    • label - The label identifying the input, that is display to the user.

Example of initializing the input bucket directive’s availableInputs property:

scope.availableInputs = [];
_.each(scope.form.steps, function(step, sIndex) {
    _.each(step.inputs, function(input) {
            fieldName: input.name,
            label: input.label,
            stepName: step.label,
            stepIndex: sIndex
        scope.availableInputs[scope.availableInputs.length-1].index = scope.availableInputs.length-1;
scope.selectedInput = scope.availableInputs[0];

In the above example, we would be preparing the availableInputs to be used in a multiStepMode, as we are supplying the stepName and stepIndex .

In the template we would call the directive but supplying it with the correct attributes as follows:

<ff-input-bucket display-title="true"

By doing so, we specify to the directive that it will not function as a bucket, It will display the inputs grouped by their corresponding step. Upon input selection the input bucket directive will emit a call corresponding to notifyInputSelected . In the directive that uses the input bucket directive we can then listen for call that was emitted:

//Emitted from Input bucket, the function will contain
//the selectedInput as the 2nd parameter.
scope.$on('notifyInputSelected', function(event, selectedInput) {
    // Do something here

When an input is selected, it is attached to the current scope as selectedInput, that will contain the object that is selected from the availableInputs array. As mentioned in the comments of the above code snippet, the selectedInput is also available as the 2nd parameter of the emitted function.

This is a simple scenario to showcase the usage of the input bucket directive. More complex scenarios can be achieved by using the input bucket directive in bucket mode.