Scoring plans

November 11, 2022

Scoring is a marketing practice that consist to evaluate an individual by assigning value points to certain profile attributes or activities performed on the website. Based on the calculated score, it is then possible to perform appropriate marketing actions.

Most of the time scoring is done to evaluate if a prospect is ready to buy something, thats why the most common practice is called lead scoring but scoring is not limited to evaluate leads. Marketing Factory allows you to create multiple scoring plans, knowing that different departments may have different priorities and therefore scales of evaluation.

For example, a sales team will emphasize on the readiness of a prospect to sign a deal, granting points to meaningful attributes like the Job Title, the number of visits in the past weeks, the meaningful pages visited like the pricing page, the demo page or an order-form PDF download; On the other hand, a support team will be more interested in evaluating the type of a visitor (technical vs others) and their need for technical help, granting points for visiting the documentation and forum sections of the website, downloading a troubleshooting brochure and looking at development videos.

Defining the scoring plan belongs to each company, depending on its industry, country and multiple other factors.

1. Access to the lead scoring management page

  1. Click on Profiling tools in the left menu.
  2. Click on Scoring plans.

2. Default screen

The default screen displays the existing lists with the following information:

  • Scoring plan name.
  • Number of profiles part of the scoring plan
  • Type of scoring plan
  • Scoring plan description

3. Scoring plan basics

To create a scoring plan, follow this procedure:

  1. Expand the profiling entry in the left menu.
  2. Click on the Scoring plans entry.
  3. Click on the upper right menu in the right page.
  4. Choose Create new scoring plan.

To be able to save your scoring plan, it is required to give it a name, a type (see 12.4) and at least one condition (see 12.6). You can decide to share the scoring plan across websites by selecting shared option.

4. Scoring plan types

Enter a type for your scoring plan. The type of scoring plan you choose will define the conditions that are available to build the score. Here are the 4 types are available, with the conditions types they are associated to:

  • a. Behavioral: engaged in campaign, goal match, profile past event and interests
  • b. Aggregated: segments, score of others scoring plans
  • c. Demographic: profile properties
  • d. Complex: all of the above

5. Scoring plan threshold

Scoring plans are commonly used to act on visitors who get a score above a given threshold. By default, Marketing Factory allows you to send a notification to an email address for that threshold.

It is possible for your IT team or your integrator to implement different behavior when a visitor reaches a threshold (i.e. create a lead in the CRM).

Scores are calculated dynamically and you can use profile past events (if the type is behavioral or complex) like visited product page n times during the last 30 days). It means that a score for a profile can change without any action from the marketer or the visitor. To ensure that the notification behavior is consistent, the threshold event can only be reached once for each profile.

6. Scoring plan conditions and score attribution

Before adding conditions to a scoring plan, you need to ensure that you selected a type for this plan.

Depending on the type you choose, youll be able to add different types of conditions and associate them with points.

Inside the same scoring plan, you can add several group of conditions and associate them to a different number of points.

7. Scoring plans in visitors profiles

On the visitor profile pages, if the visitor belongs to some scoring plans, the name of the plan and the score are displayed in the dedicated section. If the profile reached the threshold for the plan at some point, the scoring plan name and score are displayed with a light grey background.

8. Score modifier

On the visitors profile page, it is possible to add a score modifier. A score modifier is a number of points (negative or positive) that can be added to a visitor for a given scoring plan.

For instance, if I know that a profile is interested in my products because I got the information by another channel, I can manually add points to ensure that the profile reaches the threshold.