Profiles exports

November 11, 2022

Start by giving a name and a description to your export


1. Export types

Check the "recurrent" option if you want to configure an export to an ftp or network disk on a regular basis (i.e. export all profiles once a day to another server). Configuration of the filepath should be made by the technical team. More information can be found in the integration guide.


2. Executions

Last 5 executions of the export are displayed, with the date of execution and the total number of profiles that were exported. 

3. Configuration

  • Line separator : Use \n if you want your file to be accessible through Microsoft Excel
  • Column separator : Use ; if you want your file to be accessible through Microsoft Excel
  • Segment : Use segment selection to define which profiles you want to export


4. Mapping

Select the profiles properties that you want to export and associate them with the "index". The index is the column number, it starts at 0. 
