Installation instructions (SDK)

November 11, 2022

1 Introduction

This document intends to help users and developers to do a first and fast install of Jahia Digital Experience Manager, mainly for a first discovery.

1.1 What’s in this documentation?

This document presents the simplest installation process for Digital Experience Manager SDK.

Subscription customers using the Enterprise Distribution should refer to the Configuration and Fine Tuning Guide, available in the extranet ( to have a complete understanding of all installation options.

1.2 What this guide is not:

This guide is not a complete installation guide, explaining all available options (DB, OS, Application Servers, external libs, production environments, etc.) or advanced configurations, some of which are only available to our subscription customers.

2 Jahia Community and Enterprise Distributions

2.1 Content and Main differences

The Community Distribution is the 100% free and open source distribution of our Digital Experience Manager CMS, under GPLv3 license. The Enterprise Distribution is available through a business-friendly license (JSEL) and is designed to meet the needs of the most demanding mission-critical projects.

The Enterprise Distribution differentiates from the Community Distribution by the Digital Industrialization tools it embarks:

  • The Private App Store software
  • Roles and advanced workflows
  • User directories and SSO (LDAP, AD etc.)
  • Distant publishing
  • Clustering
  • Complex environments support (WebSphere, Oracle…)
  • The possibility ton install specific packages like Portal Factory providing features like the Esigate or CMIS integration.

The Community Distribution shares the exact same code base as the Enterprise Distribution (we do not want to provide unstable versions to our community) but users of the Community Distribution cannot access monthly hotfixes and are not supported by Jahia expert from Jahia Solutions Group or any of its partners.

The Enterprise Distribution is available through annual subscriptions that encompass the additional Digital Industrialization tools, unlimited bug fixes, Online Technical Assistance and specific SLAs for both development and production environments.

Prices for subscriptions can be found on the Pricing page from the website.

3 Installing SDK

The following procedure applies to both the Community Distribution and the Enterprise Distribution of the SDK.

3.1 What is the SDK package?

The SDK package is the fastest way to discover and start coding on Digital Experience Manager for developers. The SDK contains:

  • A pre-installed Digital Experience Manager instance
  • The ACME-Space demo web site already deployed
  • The Jahia Studio with a maven bundle
  • Pre-downloaded sources of templates and modules
  • 3.2 Procedure

Download the SDK

These packages work for windows, linux and Mac OS X.

  1. Unzip the archive on your PC or Mac. On PC, please unzip it on C:/ or similar, NOT on your desktop.
  2. Launch your instance using the ./ command on Mac or Linux or startDigitalFactory.bat on Windows
  3. Open a browser, go to http://localhost:8080/, you should see our ACME Space demo. Click on "Login".
  4. ROOT credentials are:
    • user: root
    • password: root
  5. Click on the root name (top - right) and switch edit mode or select the new user dashboard interface.
  6. To access the Jahia Studio, in the Edit Mode or in the new dashboard interface, click on the "Mode" dropdown menu and select "Studio"

NB: to stop you Digital Experience Manager instance, use the "./” command on Mac or Linux or "stopDigitalFactory.bat" on Windows


3.3 Going further

If you’re completely new with Digital Experience Manager, you should read the following documents