Jahia 8
How to declare a custom picker?
How can I declare a custom picker in Jahia 8 in order to specify specific values for:
- the root node of the picker
- to point to a specific page / folder of the site
- the types of nodes to be displayed in the left navigation tree of the picker
- if I want to display custom node types
- the types of nodes that can actually be selected in the picker
This can be done by using the following picker declaration, and adjusting it to your needs:
window.jahia.uiExtender.registry.add('callback', 'customPickerRegistration', {
targets: ['jahiaApp-init:33'],
callback: () => {
const registry = window.jahia.uiExtender.registry;
registry.add('pickerConfiguration', 'myCustomPicker', {
// List of content types that can be selected in the picker
selectableTypesTable: ['jmix:droppableContent', 'jmix:editorialContent'],
// List of accordions to be display on the left side of the picker
accordions: ['picker-pages', 'picker-content-folders'],
accordionItem: {
"picker-pages": {
// Specify the root node for the Pages accordion
rootPath: "/sites/{site}",
treeConfig: {
// Hide the root node
hideRoot: true
"picker-content-folders": {
// Specify the root node for the Content Folder accordion
rootPath: "/sites/{site}/contents",
treeConfig: {
// Display the root node: in this example, the "/contents" folder
hideRoot: false,
// List of content types that can be expanded in the left tree
openableTypes: ['jmix:visibleInContentTree', 'jnt:contentFolder', 'jmix:list'],
// List of content types that can be selected in the left tree, so their content is displayed in the main table
selectableTypes: ['jmix:visibleInContentTree', 'jnt:contentFolder', 'jmix:list']
tableConfig: {
// List of types that can be expanded in the main table, when using the Structured view
openableTypes: ['jmix:list'],
- The selectable content types is defined for the entire picker
- while you need to specify one root path per accordion
- If you want the picker to only display the Pages or the Content Folder accordion, you need to specify the one you want to use in the
property- and you can remove the
configuration of the other accordion, as it won't be displayed
- and you can remove the