Clustering bundle and Karaf Cellar
A dedicated procedure is available on the knowledge base for upgrading the clustering bundle in Jahia, please make sure to follow it precisely.
For other releases of the clustering bundle, please refer to the release notes of the Jahia version including this bundle.
Clustering Bundle 8.2.1
This version of the clustering bundle is present with Jahia
- Updated Server Availability Manager (SAM) ClusterConsistencyProbe to check for revisions and nodes number
- Updated Karaf Cellar to 4.1.3-jahia12 (corresponding release notes below)
Clustering Bundle 8.1.1
At the time of writing this version of the clustering bundle, which is compatible with Jahia 8.1.x has not been packaged with a Jahia release.
Updated Karaf Cellar to 4.1.3-jahia12 (corresponding release notes below)
Karaf Cellar 4.1.3-jahia12
Improved the reliability of the configuration replication in cluster with Apache Karaf Cellar by introducing a retry mechanism and two new parameters: config.integrityCheck.retryCount and config.integrityCheck.retryIntervalMS used when the integrity check fails.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a NullPointerException preventing configuration replication in cluster