bean class dependencies jsp view Jahia 7.3 Jahia 8

Class usage from another module in a view (jsp)


How I can use a class, from another module, in a jsp (a view in another module)?


In the module where the class is definded, the package must be exported in pom.xml (e.g. org.jahia.modules.classdepmod1.utils):


In the module where the class should be used, must be a dependency to the oder module (e.g. classdepmod1) and import the package:

          <instructions />

After a rebuild and redeployment of this modules, the class could be used in the jsp as import or fully qualified with package like:

<%@page import="org.jahia.modules.classdepmod1.utils.*" %>
  <% MyDependentUtil myDepUtil = MyDependentUtil.getInstance(); %>