How to display your custom node types in the editorial picker tree as folders


The following nodetypes are displayed by default like folders in the tree of the editorial picker (in the left panel):

  • jnt:page
  • jnt:navMenuText
  • jnt:virtualsite
  • jnt:contentList
  • jnt:contentFolder
  • nt:folder
  • jmix:siteContent

But you may required to display your own node types in such trees.


In order to have an independent mixin to see any node (which does not fit any of the above nodetypes or mixins) in the left panel, starting from DX, we introduced a new mixin, which is from now on also treated as a folder item in the editorial picker:

  • jmix:browsableInEditorialPicker

So you can use this mixin to extends your nodetypes and they will be displayed as folder in the editorial pickers tree (in the left panel)