database performance stability System Administrator Jahia 7.3 Jahia 8 Legacy

What is the purpose of each Jahia database table? Can I remove data from tables to save space in my database?


Please do not attempt to alter the tables content without the validation by Jahia support team.

The customer has several database tables added by Jahia and some of them considerably increase in size with time.

A better understanding of the purpose of such tables is required and if Jahia allows mechanisms to periodically or manually remove data from them.




Option to Purge Items


Row represents a content change event entry

Specifying when content history is purged


Test only



Used in module external-provider to configure an external data provider. Maps a valid internal UUID to ID

From Jahia Support Tools -> JCR Providers -> JCR Broswer -> Actions (remove)


Used in module external-provider to configure an external data provider. Row represents the key of an external data provider. This list of keys with the respective mount points and the data source class used in the mapping can be found under Administration Mode -> System Components -> External Provider Management

From Jahia Support Tools -> JCR Providers -> JCR Broswer -> Actions (remove)


This table keeps a full log of all operations made on Jahia so it can be replayed using a remote publication feature

How to disable and purge Jahia Journal



Row represents a cnd file mapped to a filename so they are accessible for all nodes on a cluster. Recommended articles:

How to make a change in definition when content already exists

Moving definitions

Can be purged after stopping Jahia processing node and before starting it again


Table containing blob data for Quartz triggers.

Quartz Tutorials - More About Triggers

Not used by default


Table containing Quartz calendars.

Quartz Tutorials - Calendars section

Not used by default


Table containing Quartz cron triggers configured in Jahia.

How to add a cron job

Quartz Tutorials - CronTrigger

From Jahia Support Tools -> Job Administration -> Show actions -> Cancel Job


Table shows relevant information about Quartz Jobs which are not currently finished. Successfull executions are automatically removed from this table.

Useful to verify the status of long running Quartz jobs for troubleshooting.

Not recommended


Display implementation details about Quartz jobs.

Quartz Tutorials - Mora about Job and Job Details

From Jahia Support Tools -> Job Administration -> Show actions/Show all jobs -> Cancel Job


Table containing details about Quartz job listeners.

Quartz Tutorials - TriggerListeners and JobListeners

Quartz Configuration Reference - Configure Global Listeners

Not used by default


Table containing internal Quartz locks.



Table indicating paused Quartz trigger groups.

Not used by default


Table containing the state of Quartz Schedulers in Jahia.



Table listing Quartz simple triggers.

Quartz Tutorials - SimpleTrigger

Not used by default


Table containing details about Quartz trigger listeners.

Quartz Scheduler Tutorials - TriggerListeners and JobListeners

Quartz Configuration Reference - Configure Global Listeners

Not used by default


Table containing all Quartz triggers.

Jahia Jobs are usually of type CRON.

Quartz Scheduler Tutorials - Mora About Triggers

From Jahia Support Tools -> Job Administration -> Show actions -> Cancel Job


The attachment entity describes attachments that have been added to the task.

jBPM Human Tasks Documentation

Using jBPM6 to create Workflows

Not used by default


Collects information about tasks that is used by BAM engine to build charts and dashboards.

jBPM Human Tasks Documentation

Using jBPM6 to create Workflows

Not used by default


The booleanexpression entity represents an expression that evaluates to a boolean. These expressions are used in order to determine whether or not a constraint should be applied.

jBPM User Guide - Table 13.15

Using jBPM6 to create Workflows

Not used by default


The content entity represents the content of a document, output document, fault or other object.

jBPM User Guide - Table 13.23

Using jBPM6 to create Workflows



Entity contains information about contextual information mapped to ksession. This is an internal part of RuntimeManager and can be considered optional when RuntimeManager is not used.

jBPM Persistence and Transactions Documentation

Using jBPM6 to create Workflows

Not used by default


The CorrelationKeyInfo entity contains information about correlation keys assigned to the given process instance - loose relationship as this table is considered optional used only when correlation capabilities are required.

jBPM Persistence and Transactions Documentation

Using jBPM6 to create Workflows

Not used by default


The CorrelationPropertyInfo entity contains information about correlation properties for the given correlation key that is assigned to the given process instance.

jBPM Persistence and Transactions Documentation

Using jBPM6 to create Workflows

Not used by default


The deadline entity represents a deadline for a task.

jBPM User Guide - Table 13.4.2

Using jBPM6 to create Workflows

Not used by default


Join table between the task entity and the organizationalentity for relationships.

jBPM User Guide - Table 13.7

Using jBPM6 to create Workflows

Not used by default


The email_header entity describes an e-mail that will be sent as part of a notification.

jBPM User Guide - Table 13.17

Using jBPM6 to create Workflows

Not used by default


Join table between the task entity and the organizational entity for relationships.

jBPM User Guide - Table 13.14

Using jBPM6 to create Workflows

Not used by default


The eventtypes entity contains information about events that a process instance will undergo or has undergone.

jBPM User Guide - Table 8.3

Using jBPM6 to create Workflows

Not used by default


The i18ntext entity is used by a number of different other entities to store text fields. The deadline, notification, reassignment and task entities use this entity to store descriptions, subjects, names and other documentation.

Although all foreign keys are not nullable, they will be set to 0 if they are not being used.

In Jahia's context is used for publications/reviews tasks.

jBPM User Guide - Table 13.24

Using jBPM6 to create Workflows



This table contains more information about which nodes were actually executed inside each process instance. Whenever a node instance is entered from one of its incomming connections or is exited through one of its outgoing connections, that information is stored in this table.

jBPM User Guide - Table 8.6

Using jBPM6 to create Workflows

Yes, manually using Jahia Support Tools -> Jahia DB Query Tool


Join that describes and qualifies which email_header entities are part of a notification.

jBPM User Guide - Table 13.18

Using jBPM6 to create Workflows

Not used by default


The notification entity describes a notification generated by an escalation action.

jBPM User Guide - Table 13.16

Using jBPM6 to create Workflows

Not used by default


Join table that describes which business administrators will be notified by a notification.

jBPM User Guide - Table 13.21

Using jBPM6 to create Workflows

Not used by default


Join table that describes which recipients entities will be received a notification.

jBPM User Guide - Table 13.22

Using jBPM6 to create Workflows

Not used by default


The organizationalentity entity is extended to represent the different people assignments that are part of the task.

In Jahia's context represents the Users and Groups allowed to participate in publications tasks.

jBPM User Guide - Table 13.4

Using jBPM6 to create Workflows

No. User/Groups removed from this table will not be part of tasks anymore, therefore not be able to approve or reject publications.

It is recommended to delete obsolete Users or Groups directly from Jahia management.


Join table that describes which organizationalentity entities are the excluded owners of a particular task.

jBPM User Guide - Table 13.10

Using jBPM6 to create Workflows

Not used by default


Join table that describes which organizationalentity entities are potential owners of a particular task.

In Jahia's context indicates which Users or Groups can change the status of a publication.

jBPM User Guide - Table 13.9

Using jBPM6 to create Workflows

Removing a row in this table will terminate the possibility of the respective entity to approve or reject a specific publication.

A row can be manually deleted in Jahia Support Tools -> Jahia DB Query Tool


Join table that describes which organizationalentity entities are notification recipients for a particular task.

jBPM User Guide - Table 13.12

Using jBPM6 to create Workflows

Not used by default


Join table that describes which organizationalentity entities are task stakeholders of a particular task.

jBPM User Guide - Table 13.8

Using jBPM6 to create Workflows

Not used by default


Join table that describes which organizationalentity entities are business administrators of a particular task.

jBPM User Guide - Table 13.11

Using jBPM6 to create Workflows

Not used by default


The processinstanceinfo entity contains the state of the jBPM process instance.

jBPM User Guide - Table 8.2

Using jBPM6 to create Workflows



This table contains the basic log information about a process instance.

jBPM User Guide - Table 8.5

Using jBPM6 to create Workflows



Join table that describes which organizationalentity entities are potential owners if a reassignment happens as part of an escalation.

jBPM User Guide - Table 13.20

Using jBPM6 to create Workflows

Not used by default


The reassignment entity describes reassignments associated with escalations.

jBPM User Guide - Table 13.19

Using jBPM6 to create Workflows

Not used by default


The sessioninfo entity contains the state of the (knowledge) session in which the jBPM process instance is running.

jBPM Persistence and Transactions Documentation

Using jBPM6 to create Workflows



The task entity contains much of the essential information for describing a task. Although a number of columns are not nullable, many of them are simply set to "-1" if the value used in the column hasn't been set by the task service.

jBPM User Guide - Table 13.2

Using jBPM6 to create Workflows



The task_comment entity describes comments added to tasks.

jBPM User Guide - Table 13.6

Using jBPM6 to create Workflows

Not used by default


This table contains information about changes in task instances. Operations such as claim, start, stop etc are stored here to provide a timeline view of events that happened to the given task.

jBPM Human Tasks Documentation

Using jBPM6 to create Workflows



This table contains information about changes in variable instances. The defaul is to only generate log entries when (after) a variable changes. It's also possible to log entries before the variable (value) changes.

jBPM User Guide - Table 8.7

Using jBPM6 to create Workflows

Yes, manually using Jahia Support Tools -> Jahia DB Query Tool


The workiteminfo entity contains the state of a work item.

jBPM User Guide - Table 8.4

Using jBPM6 to create Workflows

Table is automatically cleared when the publication task finishes. If there is no publication task left in Jahia this table might be cleared with caution using Jahia Support Tools -> Jahia DB Query Tool


Used in Jahia Cluster Discovery Service. Row represents a cluster node, member of a custer named cluster_name, and provides information about address and port used. Cluster nodes and channels can be found under Jahia Support Tools -> Cluster View

Reset cluster discovery info


The database data store stores data in a relational database. All content is stored in one table, the unique key of the table is the hash code of the content.

Jackrabbit Documentation - Database Data Store section

JCR DataStore garbage collector


Jackrabbit table referencing JCR binaries in default workspace.



Jackrabbit table referencing JCR bundles data in default workspace.



Jackrabbit table referencing JCR names in default workspace.



Jackrabbit table referencing JCR references in default workspace.



Row represents an entry in Jackrabbit filesystem. Recommended articles:

Repository error when starting Jahia

Errors on startup of Jahia

If error in one of the entries is found after a Jahia version migration or similar operation that caused corruption in data.


Represents the global revision of the cluster. Should match individual cluster member entries in jr_j_local_revisions table to ensure a complete synchronization of the cluster.



This table tracks the revisions that have to be processed by each node in the cluster.

Note! This table might grow very quickly if you don't keep a coherence among cluster nodes IDs, which translates to journal_id, since it depends on the value of jr_j_local_revisions which coordinates the local revision of the cluster member.

Is there a clean-up process for Journal entries in database for a Jahia cluster?


Row represents the revision_id for a given cluster node member, represented by the column journal_id.

With caution. To remove entries originated in a desynchronization of the cluster or for old cluster members (journal_id).


Jackrabbit table. Row represents a lock in node for a given Journal_id. Lock is set in the node of a cluster member when the Journal is created and released when the Journal is commited.

Not usual but can be removed if no Journals are processed at the time.


Jackrabbit table referencing JCR binaries in live workspace.



Jackrabbit table referencing JCR bundles data in live workspace.



Jackrabbit table referencing JCR names in live workspace.



Jackrabbit table referencing JCR references in live workspace.



Jackrabbit table used for JCR versioning.

Jahia Support Tools -> JCR Version History Management


Jackrabbit table used for JCR versioning.

Jahia Support Tools -> JCR Version History Management

DB allocation is too small


Jackrabbit table used for JCR versioning.

Jahia Support Tools -> JCR Version History Management


Jackrabbit table used for JCR versioning.

Jahia Support Tools -> JCR Version History Management