bundle properties resources Jahia 7.3 Jahia 8

How to override a file name in the properties file?


In edit mode, a custom component shows all views from inherited parents. This makes difficult for the editors to discriminate which view is directly related to the custom component.


The inheritance mechanism is not filterable for the views


Define in your module properties file a key like this:

jmix_renderable.j_view.default=My Default Name

You have to define the same for each view file names, for example, it would be

jmix_renderable.j_view.alternate-view=Summary View

About the large list of views in the same select, another way to make it easier to the editors to find the component-specific views would be to add an icon in front of each of the views of interest. To do so, just create a folderimg into resources folder and upload a png file which will have the same name as the view.
If you have 2 components in the same module that define the same view, the alternate name will be shared since the resource key is based only on the view name.