cache groups ldap Jahia 7.3 Jahia 8

LDAP user is added to an LDAP group this is not visible in the membership


LDAP user is added to an LDAP group this is not visible in the membership


The problem is the cache. The cache can be reconfigured to a shorter expiration time in ehcache configuration.
Especially the membership cache is a selfPopulatingReplicatedCache and must be reconfigured too, to the same expiration time as the LDAPCache

Else you can flush your cache when updating a LDAP group, by running such shell script:

/usr/bin/wget -q -O /dev/null --user=jahia --password=secret ’http://host.domain:8080/modules/tools/cache.jsp?showActions=true&showConfig=true&showBytes=false&action=flush&'
/usr/bin/wget -q -O /dev/null --user=jahia --password=secret ‘http://host.domain:8080/modules/tools/cache.jsp?showActions=true&showConfig=true&showBytes=false&action=flush&’
/usr/bin/wget -q -O /dev/null --user=jahia --password=secret ‘http://host.domain:8080/modules/tools/cache.jsp?showActions=true&showConfig=true&showBytes=false&action=flush&name=LDAPGroupsCache&propagate=false’