From 7.1.2 to 7.2.0
Upgrading to 7.2.0 consists of one unique, easy step; please read it carefully before proceeding.
For a standalone installation
Step 1:Digital Experience Manager Core & Modules Migration
The first step of the migration is to copy the fix applier DigitalExperienceManager-CommunityDistribution- you would like to use on your production server.
At this stage, a list of all the files you have customized in your installation will help you to go through the upgrade and decide more easily if you want to merge, keep or overwrite the files.
For all the files impacted, the fix applier will create a backup in the following folder:
$USER_HOME/.fixapplier/backup/ and a detailed log is also available in your <Jahia_installation>/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/META-INF/updates/history/fixes/<FiXAPPLIER_NAME>.log or if you didn't use the default ROOT context in your <JAHIA_INSTALLATION>/tomcat/webapps/<your context>/META-INF/updates/history/fixes/<FiXAPPLIER_NAME>.log
If the fix creator detects that a file has been modified it will try to automatically merge it. If the merge fails you will be able to overwrite the files or skip it installing the modification.
If the merge fails or you decide to skip it, a diff file <FILE_NAME>.patch will be available in the destination folder, please make sure that you don't forget to manually apply the changes.
1. Stop Jahia
2. Open a terminal in the JAHIA_INSTALLATION/tomcat/webapps/ROOT or JAHIA_INSTALLATION/tomcat/webapps/<your context> if you didn't use the default ROOT context and type the following command:
The fix applier will manage the upgrade of your platform by deleting, updating and merging all the necessary files. It will now handles the migration of Digital Experience Manager Core and all the additional Jahia modules installed on your platform.
Please review your log before starting the next step to ensure you haven't missed a file that needs to be manually merged.
3. Clean the following Tomcat folder
The fix applier now handles the cleaning of the tomcat folders automatically but depending on the OS and some permissions you may need to clean it manually.
4. Clean the resource folder
The fix applier will also handles the cleaning of the <JAHIA_INSTALLATION>/digital-factory-data/generated-resources folder automatically but depending on the OS and some permissions you may need to clean it manually.
5. Start your Digital Experience Manager