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Knowledge base

Here is the access to the knowledge base maintained by the Support team. Data published here does not replace the documentation of this website but enriches it. Please take the time to test any answers on a development platform first.




Move a site export to a Jahia cloud environment for import
Move a site export to a Jahia cloud environment for import
Moving definitions
After moving definitions to a new module, definitions are always referenced to the older module.
Multiple versions of a module and content definition
Why is content types not picked up from the active version of the module, when multiple versions are available.
My component is not usable in contribute mode
Here is my definition. It works fine on edit mode but I'm not able to use it in contribute mode.; this component not listed in the components list to use...
My custom picker does not work on Jahia 8
Here is the definition of my property (in Bootstrap 4 button, for instance) - internalLink (weakreference, picker[type='editoriallink']) < jmix:droppableContent,...
No matching version found for @jahia/search-ui-jahia-connector
We build an Augmented Search custom search UI for our project, and we have a missing dependency to build it. Our custom UI (equivalent of 'augmented-search-ui'...
No render set for node j:acl
When editing, I have such a message "no render set for node : j:acl for types : [jnt:acl]" What is wrong with my site?
No render set for node vanityUrlMapping
The following technical message is displayed as a content of a page site: no render set for node : vanityUrlMapping for types : [jnt:vanityUrls]
Not enough space for object heap
Cannot start Jahia on 32 bit Windows 7. Command prompt exits instantly on startup.  Error: Could not reserver enough space for object heap
Null Pointer Exception on Newsletter module
The newsletter module produces a Null Pointer Exception when you create a newsletter. How we can fix this Null Pointer Exception?