marketing factory rest segments unomi Legacy

Marketing Factory segments are not updating after profile import. Need to save segment to make it work.


I am using Unomi 1.3.1 and after importing profiles in Marketing Factory the segments are not updating. I need to individually open and save each one of the segments so the new profiles are updated in the segment lists. Is this a bug? How can I avoid that?


This is a issue with Marketing Factory 1.9.3 (and lower) + Unomi 1.3.1 combination. The best way to automatize and simplify the process of updating the segments is to reset the segments queries using the REST service from Unomi described here.

To perform this operation in a Linux environment one can run the following command in a bash terminal:

curl -X GET -u <unomi_karaf_user>:<unomi_karaf_password> <server>:8181/cxs/segments/resetQueries?size=-1

You can set up a cron job to run this service periodically and get rid of this problem.