
November 14, 2023


Facets can be used on indexed properties (see Indexing nodetype properties). The principle is that the initial query will return the list of facets, and the number of matching results. And when a facet value is selected, then it is passed to the query as filter, and the query is then re-executed updating the result list.

Facet types


The termFacet aggregates documents for each unique value of a specified field. For example, the query below returns the number of documents per author, as long as an author has created more than 3 content.

query {
  search(q: "searched terms", minDocCount: 3) {
    termFacet(field: "jgql:createdBy") {
      data {


Argument Description Default value
field (mandatory)   NA
max Maximum number of facet groups returned. 10
minDocCount Minimum number of documents for a value to return as a facet. 1
missingValue Label to be used for missing values on this field. If not specified (default behavior), missing fields will not be counted -
disjunctive   false

treeFacet - Used to facet categories

The treeFacet node provides a very similar feature but supports hierarchical use cases. This is the facet type to use for categories. 

Argument Description Default value
field (mandatory)   NA
rootPath  (mandatory)   NA
max Maximum number of facet groups returned. 10
minDocCount Minimum number of documents for a value to return as a facet. 1
missingValue Label to be used for missing values on this field. If not specified (default behavior), missing fields will not be counted -
disjunctive   false

Available result fields:

Argument Description


The rangeFacet creats data buckets based on user specified date or number ranges. Support for the date math expression allows you to create of buckets based on fixed dates or automatically generated from today's date.

The query below is an example mixing both fixed dates and date math expressions (although such query has a limited practical use).

query {
  search(q: "") {
    created: rangeFacet(
      field: "jcr:created"
      ranges: [
        { from: "2015-01-01", to: "2015-12-31", name: "2015" }        
        { from: "2016-01-01", to: "2016-12-31", name: "2016" }
        { from: "now-1y", to: "now", name: "Last year" }
    ) {
      data {

This will produce the following result:

  "data": {
    "search": {
      "created": {
        "data": [
            "name": "2015",
            "count": 0
            "name": "2016",
            "count": 137
            "name": "Last year",
            "count": 7


The numberRange facet, given a numerical field, provides access to max and min values for that field across the entire dataset.