Creating a custom setting component

November 14, 2023

Forms settings have been refactored to allow better fine grained control over the management of the forms. A module can now provide unique settings functionality by extending fcmix:formSetting.

This topic shows you how to create a custom setting component.

In order to have Forms recognize your component, a definition extending fcmix:formSetting is required.

[fcnt:myCustomSetting] > jnt:content, fcmix:formSetting, mix:title, jmix:droppableContent, jmix:hiddenType

Create a title for this component, that will be displayed in the settings, by creating a resource bundle key ff.label.formsetting.your-component-definition. For this example it would be :

Now that the definition is created, It’s time to setup the structure of the component.

Custom Settings follows a similar structure to inputs, validations and actions.


  • myCustomSetting.wz
  • Contains the properties required for this component.
formsetting {
   label "Mailchimp Settings"
   types "formsetting"
   wizard "<ff-mailchimp-settings></ff-mailchimp-settings>"
  • Label is used to create this component by using the value provided, split by the spaces and replaced by dashes. I.e : My Custom Setting -> my-custom-setting
  • Wizard represents the directive tag that will be compiled
  • Types is inherited from the generic serialization and deserialization schema and can be used to group settings.  
  • myCustomSetting.directive.jsp
  • Custom Directive that will be retrieved and compiled by Forms.
  • Use the $onInit function to do any initialization procedures.
<%@ page contentType="text/javascript" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="formfactory" uri="" %>
<%--@elvariable id="renderContext" type=""--%>

   var myCustomSetting = function(ffTemplateResolver) {
       return {
           restrict: 'E',
           scope: {},
           templateUrl: function(el, attrs) {
               return ffTemplateResolver.resolveTemplatePath('${formfactory:addFormFactoryModulePath('/form-factory-formsettings/my-custom-setting', renderContext)}', attrs.viewType);
           controller: MyCustomSettingController,
           controllerAs: 'mcsc',
           bindToController: true,
           link: linkFunc

       function linkFunc(scope, el, attr, ctrl) {}
       .directive('ffMyCustomSetting', ['ffTemplateResolver', myCustomSetting]);

   MyCustomSettingController.$inject = [];

   function MyCustomSettingController () {
       var mcsc = this;

       mcsc.$onInit = function() {
           //Do initialization here
           mcsc.settingOneEnabled = false;
           mcsc.settingTwoEnabled = true;
           mcsc.settingThreeEnabled = true;
  • myCustomSetting.jsp
  • The view used by the custom directive to display and allow configuration of the custom settings
<div class="row">
   <div class="col-sm-12">
       <span>Setting One</span>
       <div style="float:right;">
           <switch ng-model="mcsc.settingOneEnabled"></switch>
   <div class="col-sm-12">
       <span>Setting Two</span>
       <div style="float:right;">
           <switch ng-model="mcsc.settingTwoEnabled"></switch>
   <div class="col-sm-12">
       <span>Setting Three</span>
       <div style="float:right;">
           <switch ng-model="mcsc.settingThreeEnabled"></switch>

When all the steps have been followed correctly and the module containing the new settings component has been successfully deployed, the custom settings component will be visible on the Forms settings page.