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Knowledge base

Here is the access to the knowledge base maintained by the Support team. Data published here does not replace the documentation of this website but enriches it. Please take the time to test any answers on a development platform first.




Includes working in 6.6 no more working in 7.X
In a templateSet, a previous include of a JSP, which was working in 6.6, is no more working while migrating the module in 7.X
Incorrect module affected with Karaf bundle action
In a cluster, when a bundle is stopped/started/uninstalled with bundle ID, sometimes the wrong bundle is affected on another node. What's the best practice...
Indexation warning during Jahia upgrade
During upgrade of Jahia, following warning is thrown: WARNING: larger than 1073741824 index size, please contact Jahia for proper index migration procedure...
Indexing a site on Augmented Search
How can I trigger a full Augmented Search reindexation on select sites?
Invalid namespace error when deploying module
Module deployment fails with the following error: ERROR [FelixDispatchQueue] Invalid namespace declaration...
Invalid version number: Version number may be negative or greater than 255
After a restart, Jahia does not start anymore and the log contain the following error message: Invalid version number: Version number may be negative or...
Is it mandatory to add all shapes of a keyword in the metadata tab of a content?
A keyword Vitalité is added in the metadata tab of a content. Is it mandatory to add all shapes of a keyword in the metadata tab of a content? VITALITE...
Is it possible to add a RequestFilter
Is it possible to add a RequestFilter? For instance, to check permissions on resources (like files).
Is there a clean-up process for Journal entries in database for a Jahia cluster? Can I change the time and frequency of such process?
I have many entries in JR_J_JOURNAL table in my Jahia database and I want to know if a clean-up process is running for my instance. Also I want to specify...
Is there a helper module to migrate custom modules to Jahia version 8?
I am migrating my environment to Jahia version 8 and I am getting several errors in my custom modules. Is there a place where I can find documentation...