Working in Contribute mode

October 8, 2024

About Contribute mode

Contribute mode provides a simpler interface than Edit mode. The possibilities for creating content is more limited than in Edit mode. Contribute mode is intended for occasional or new users. For this purpose the interface is lighter and contains of a menu bar on top of the site.


The site displays content from the workspace rather than as the site appears online. You can browse the site just like you would in its live version.

In Contribute mode you can:

  • Create new content
  • Edit existing content
  • Delete existing content
  • Reorder existing content in a list
  • Request publication of recent changes

You cannot modify the structure of the site in Contribute mode. You can only create new pages.

Not all pages are configured to be editable through Contribute mode. You system administrator can make pages editable through Contribute mode. An administrator may also specify that some page types cannot be edited in Contribute mode. If you browse a site using the Contribute mode and there aren’t any edit controls on the page or on a section of the page, then you may not have permissions or elements may not be open to Contribute mode.

Contents that you can edit is surrounded in a blue frame when you move your mouse over them.


The edit engine is also limited to the minimum and only shows the:

  • Content tab
    Contributors can edit the different fields specific to the content
  • Metadata tab
    Contributors can add a description, keywords and tags
  • Categories
    Contributors can assign one or several categories to the content

Opening Contribute mode

You can open Contribute mode from the Jahia menu. Click the Jahia button hamburger-menu.png to open the Jahia menu.


Using the top menu bar

From the top menu bar you can view the site as it appears online, edit or create a page, and publish or start a publication workflow.


Opening a page in site view

Click Site to show the workspace version of the site. For more information, see About Contribute mode.


Editing or creating a page

To edit or create a new page, click Edit or Create Page. For more information on creating a page, see Creating a page in Contribute mode.


Using the Clipboard

This Clipboard button displays when you copy or cut content on a page. Click the Clipboard button to see the name of content item that you copied.


Using the Preview menu

The Preview menu enables you to open a live or preview view of the page in a new window, custom the preview view, or compare the staging and live version of the page.


You can open the page in a customized preview based on:

  • Permissions
    You can see the site the way another user would see it
  • A future date
    The site might have some content visible at a certain date or time of the day (see Visibility conditions)
  • A different device
    You can see how the site displays on a mobile device

Click Compare staging vs live version to see the staging and live versions of the page side-by-side for comparison purposes.

Publishing your changes

The Publish menu enables you to publish or unpublish for the current page or selected content, or start a publication or unpublication workflow.


Click Show Publication status to display an overlay on the page that helps you to identify which content has been modified or unpublished. To remove the overlay, click on the page or clear the Show Publication status checkbox.

Opening the Workflow Dashboard

The Workflow menu shows you the number of open workflow tasks. Click Dashboard to open the Workflow Dashboard page where you can validate or reject publications. For more information, see Publishing content.


Changing the site language

If your site is available in more than one language, then you can easily switch from one language to another using the language switcher.


Creating and managing content

You can create content that is not directly integrated into the pages of a web site, this is known as “in-context” editing, but rather stored in a simple directory structure – a bit like when you place office documents inside folders on your computer’s hard drive.

Accessing out-of-context editing

To open the out-of-context editing space, click Content in the menu bar at the top of the page.


The Content page opens and displays a list of current content items. In the left column, you can filter content based on the categories applied to the content.


From this page, you can create and manipulate content similarly to in-context editing.

Editing a content item

To edit a content item, right-click on the item's file name and select Edit from the context menu.


Deleting a content item

To delete a content item, right-click on the item's file name and select Delete from the context menu.


Navigating the directory structure

To navigate the directory structure:

  1. Click on a folder to display its contents.
  2. Click on the icon at the top left of the table to go up one level.
  3. Click the Content button to go back to the root of the out-of-context content items.

Filtering content

You can filter the list of content items by the tags or categories associated with content items.

Note: Filtering is not available if content items are not tagged or linked to categories.

When tags or categories are added to a content item, they appear on the left side of the page. Other filters can be added on your platform. Tags and categories are the filters available by default after installing Jahia. If you need additional search or filtering tools, consult with your system administrator.

Filters apply to the folder that you have selected and return all content items in the folder and its subfolders. When you select a filter, content items from subfolders may appear and you can quickly make searches as soon as the out-of-context contribution interface displays. When navigating to subfolders and using filters, only the items located below your current location display.

You can select several filters at the same time. Only the items matching all selected filters will display.


You can browse the directories containing the files, such as office documents and videos, and images for the site by selecting Files from the top toolbar.


The interface is similar to the out-of-context editing interface.


Viewing a file

To view a file, click on its file name. The file appears in full page.

Editing file properties

To edit properties of a file, right-click on the file name and selected Edit.


The editing form displays. The forms shows a number of read-only properties, such as width and height for images, and enables you to edit properties such as the file’s title, description, tags and categories. The number of fields depend on the file itself, as Jahia extracts metadata information from the files.


Deleting a file

To delete a file or a directory, right-click on its title and select Delete in the context menu. When deleting a directory, all the files and directories inside it are also deleted.


Downloading a file

To make a local copy of a file, click Download in the Download column.

Note: Depending on your browser’s preferences, a new window opens to display the image or the download starts automatically.

Navigating the directory structure

To navigate the directory structure:

  1. Click on a folder to display its contents.
  2. Click on the icon at the top left of the table to go up one level.
  3. Click the Files button to go back to the root level.

Adding files

To add one or more files to the current folder:

  1. Click on the Upload button 
    in the menu bar.
  2. The Upload file(s) dialog displays. Click Choose File.
  3. In the window that displays, click Select a File, navigate to your file, select it, and click Open. Note that you can select multiple files.
  4. Click OK.

The higher the number of files and the larger their size, the longer it takes to upload the files.

Filtering files

By default, you can filter the list of files by their tags or categories.

Note: Filtering is not available if files are not tagged or linked to any category.

When tags or categories are added to files, they appear on the left side of the page. Other filters can be added on your platform. Tags and categories are the filters available by default after installing Jahia. If you need additional search or filtering tools, you should ask your platform administrators.


When you click on a tag or category, the list is filtered and only the items with the tags or categories display.
