jExperience 1.11.5
November 14, 2023
jExperience 1.11.5 allows you to use jCustomer 1.4.4 or jCustomer 1.5.4.
As a reminder, jCustomer 1.5.4 works with Elasticsearch 7.4.2. This allows you to use Elasticsearch 7 on Jahia 7.3. Using jCustomer 1.5.4 will also ease your migration from Jahia 7 to Jahia 8: you will be able to use the same jCustomer version and you don't have to migrate your jCustomer instance.
jExperience 1.11.5 is a hotfix release with one security bugfix
- to escape the value of the header referrer to prevent cross-site scripting
Changelog is also available on