Managing content introduction

May 31, 2024

Jahia offers two primary paths to creating and publishing content.

• In-context editing (also called Page-Based authoring)

Traditional authoring and publishing focuses on building and developing pages for each digital channel, rather than creating modular content items that can be reused across multiple channels. Page authoring relies on Page Composer or Page Builder to create content and apply layout on those contet. Page Composer and Page Builder are built for users who want to work with prebuilt templates and themes or who are creating standalone pages and sites.

For more information, see Manage Content with Page Composer and Manage content in-context with Page Builder.

• Out-of-context editing (also called Folder-based authoring)

Content reuse accross several pages, websites or applications can be much more efficient when content is simply organized in folders (by date, by topic, by target…), and not directly created inside pages. Jahia allows to create any type of content and store them into folders, this content being included later on in the different pages where it should appear.

Another benefit of inputing content this way is the ability to easily put in place automated retrieving and sorting. If you have a content folder, it is easy from a page or an application, using a reference, to select this folder and specify that you wan’t to display all items included in it. Doing so, if another editor add some content in the selected folder, it will show up everywhere it has been referenced, without any human intervention. If your Jahia platform is used by dozens of collaborators and is used to manage multiple websites, using folder-based approach is certainly something to consider.

Finaly content-items in content folders can be called through API and distributed, reused or repurposed at will.

For more information, see Manage content out-of-context with Content Folders.