GlobalLink Translator Connector

October 8, 2024 is a world-leading translation company that provides professional services including website translation. Translation is performed manually by a group of professionals proficient in different languages. GlobalLink is system for managing multilingual content.

As a content editor, you submit translations requests in Jahia to GlobalLink. Requests are received and translated by and returned to Jahia. After receiving content, you review it and publish it to make it available to your site visitors. This topic shows you how to create a GlobalLink translation request from Edit mode and view the status of your requests before publishing.

Installing the Jahia GlobalLink Connector module

Install the connector and then enable it for specific sites.

To install the Jahia GlobalLink Connector module:

  1. Download the Jahia GlobalLink Connector module from the Jahia AppStore.
  2. In Jahia, install the connector and enable it for your sites. For more information on installing modules, see Installing a module tutorial.
Note: For a language to be available for translation, you must enable Active (Edit) and Active (Live) in Site>Administration for that language. When Active (Edit) is enabled, content can be changed. When Active (Live) is enabled, content is available to visitors who access the published version of your site. For more information about managing languages, see Managing languages for your site.

Next, specify GlobalLink configuration settings.

Specifying GlobalLink Connector configuration settings

Before you can send requests to GlobalLink for translation from your site, you must configure GlobalLink Connector with metadata and authentication information from the site. As the site owner, you must first have acquired your subscription account from GlobalLink.

When you configure GlobalLink Connector, you:

  • Specify settings to enable a connection between Jahia and GlobalLink
  • Specify which Jahia content types are included in the translation requests to GlobalLink
  • Save the connection to populate language directions between Jahia and GlobalLink and to specify language mappings

To specify configuration information:

  1. Go to Edit Mode>Site Settings>Global Link Translation>GlobalLink Translation Settings.
  2. In the main window, select Enable and enter the subscription information that you obtained from GlobalLink.
    Note: If Enable is not selected, GlobalLink functionality is disabled.
  3. In GlobalLink connection settings, specify values for the following fields:
    • Username
      Username for GlobalLink Connector. Do not use a personal account. Use an application account provided by
    • Password
      Login password for the GlobalLink user.
    • GlobalLink API URL
      The URL to access the GlobalLink API. Obtain this information from
    • Connector name
      Name of the connector for your project. Obtain this information from
    • Prefix for the default name of the requests
      Prefix of the translation request name. If not specified, Jahia creates a name using the <prefix> - <page name> syntax.
    • File Format
      File format used by the connector. Obtain this information from
    • Documents location
      Location in file system to store XML documents. Typically, you leave this field empty or you can request this information from your system administrator. If not specified, documents are stored in the temporary directory configured for the application container.
    • Submission retrieval interval (minutes)
      Interval between Jahia jobs (such as sending, retrieving, and processing submissions) in minutes (1-59).
  4. In Content types to translate, choose the content types that are included in each translation request:
    1. Choose either All or Editorial to filter the list. Typically, you restrict content types to Editorial types.
    2. Select a content type in the left list to move it to the Selected content types and include it in translations. For example, click Rich text to make content in Rich text content types part of translation requests.
  5. Click Save Settings. The connector calls the GlobalLink API to return the list of language directions from GlobalLink. If you have configured your setup correctly, GlobalLink language directions displays language mappings at the right of the page. In the example below, a content editor can send US English content for translation to German, Spanish, French, Mandarin, and Japanese. 
  6. In Language mappings, map the languages that are activated on your Jahia site to the languages available in your project.
  7. Click Save Settings again.

Now that the GlobalLink Connector is configured successfully, content editors can send pages for translation.

Creating a GlobalLink request

You can submit a translation request to translate a page from edit mode.

To create a GlobalLink translation request:

  1. To create a request from edit mode:
    1. Navigate to the page that you want to translate.
    2. Right-click on the page in the navigation menu and select GlobalLink Translation.

      The Create GlobalLink request page opens.
  2. In the Create GlobalLink request page:
    1. Specify a name for the translation request in Request name. If you choose not to specify a request name, Jahia creates a name using the <prefix> - <page name> syntax. 
    2. Starting node displays the top node of the content, page, or folder to translate. Subcontent items are included in the translation request depending on your configuration.
    3. To specify source and target languages:
      • In Source language, select the language to translate from
      • In Target languages, select the languages to translate to

        Note that these fields are required.
    4. To translate pages below this page, select Also translate subpages. This option only applies when you are sending a page for translation.
    5. To exclude content that has already been translated by, select Skip already translated content. This excludes content that exists in the targeted languages that has already been submitted to GlobalLink.
    6. To specify the date that you expect the translation to be completed by, add a date in Due date.
    7. Click Save and close the page to create the translation request.

When you save the translation request, Jahia sends the page content to and waits to receive the translated content. Content is locked until the translation is returned.

After receiving translated content, the content is populated in Jahia for the translated language. After verifying your content, publish it to make it available to your site vistiors.

Viewing the status of a translation request

You can view the status of your translation requests in the GlobalLink project requests page.

To view the status of your translation requests:

  1. Navigate to Site Settings>GlobalLink Project Requests.
  2. You can view the following information for individual translation requests:
    • Tickets
      Token of the current request (for internal use only).
    • Page
      Link to open the page in Edit mode.
    • Due Date
      The date and time that the translation is expected to return.
    • Submission Date
      The date and time that the translation was submittted.
    • Language Direction
      The source language and target languages.
    • Submission name
      The name that you created for the translation request.
    • Target detail
      The number of content instances that were submitted in the request.
    • Status
      Status of the submission which can be:
      • Created
        The request has been created and is waiting to be automatically submitted to GlobalLink
      • Submitted
        The request has been submitted to GlobalLink
      • Retrieved
        The content has been translated by GlobalLink and is waiting to be automatically applied to your site
      • Translated
        The content is translated on your site
      • No content to translate
        A request has been submitted but it does not contain content
  3. To sort translation requests in the table, click the sort button gl-sort.png beside a column name.
  4. To remove translations that have already been performed from Jahia, in Clean submission older than specify a value in the days field and click Clean. This does not affect your translation requests on GlobalLink and you typically perform this operation infrequently.
Note: You can also track and manage your translation requests (submissions) in the GlobalLink UI.