DX Release Notes

October 8, 2024

What's new?

  • Support of JDK 11
  • Support of Aurora (MySQL-Compatible edition)
  • Added Content and Media Manager 1.2.0 module
  • Support of custom GraphQL schemas using SDL
  • Added SDL generator module to development installation modes
  • Improved automatic site import mechanism
  • Introduced possibility to have internationalized site titles
  • Added possibility to unpublish in all languages
  • Included all searchable content in the search panel results of the edit mode

Content and Media Manager extends the functionality of Jahia. It provides a single interface for editors to create and organize content and files. You access and manage content in folders using the following functionality: preview, search, workflow and publication interfaces, administration panels, access to custom screens and features, and more. Content and Media Manager 1.2.0 comes with an overall design enhancement, and brings the following features and improvements:

  • Crop / Resize / Rotate operation for images
  • Multiple selection
  • Export / Import
  • Support of nested contents
  • Possibility to replace a file by another
  • Access to translate engine
  • Support of local mount points
  • Performance improvements
  • Improved UI when uploading files


And bugs were fixed along the way...

The following video quickly introduces Content and Media Manager:


DX can now run on JDK 11 while staying fully compatible with JDK 8.

Please pay a special attention to the following points when considering switching to JDK 11:

  • DX can run on both Oracle JDK 11 and OpenJDK 11
  • The default JDK 11 garbage policy, G1GC, is supported and recommanded
  • The compression (minification) of static assets (CSS / Javascript) is not available. For more details, see Static asset minification in the "Upgrading from a previous version?" section below.
  • The usage of JDK 11 features in modules is not supported. In order to compile modules using JDK 11, you need to use JDK 8 as target bytecode version.
  • Please note that the currently MySQL supported driver (version 5.1.47) is causing exceptions when used with JDK 11. The issue is a known issue on MySQL side, but has not been fixed in time for this DX release. An upgrade to a compatible driver is planned for a future release. In the meantime, and if acceptable, disabling the SSL connection to the database solves the issue.
  • JEP 252: Use CLDR Locale Data by Default" (http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/252), which needs to be verified on your side when switching from JDK 8 to JDK 11.
Always verify on a pre-production environment that you don't have issues with the JDK 11, before activating JDK 11 on your production environment. Please contact the Jahia Support if you need assistance to switch from JDK 8 to JDK 11.
  • Upgrade to Tomcat 9.0.17
  • Upgrade of MariaDB driver from 2.3.0 to 2.4.1
  • Upgrade of Groovy engine from 2.3.11 to 2.5.6
  • Upgrade of Jackson library to version 2.9.8
  • Dropped bndlib

Spring bean modifications

  • Some Spring bean definitions have been modified in DX version. If you are using a custom application context, please consult the list of changes as you might need to update your configuration.

Synchronisation of OSGi configurations is disabled

  • In DX we have deactivated the cluster synchrosnisation of OSGi configurations (usually found under /digital-factory-data/karaf/etc ), as this mechanism can currently lead to inconsistencies. As a consequence, any modification in a OSGi configuration file need to be ported on all the other cluster nodes.

Content and Media Manager

  • Content and Media Manager is now enabled by default in DX
  • The Document manager, Content manager and Site manager are now hidden as we have revoked the corresponding permissions to the different roles. You can restore them by following this procedure.
  • Content and Media Manager is optimized to work with the Anthracite theme. It can be used with the default theme, but providing a poorer user experience.


Removed libraries

The following libraries have been removed from Jahia:

  • Network Common Data Form (NetCDF): the library was represented by netcdf-4.2-min.jar and not used in Jahia (removed from Jahia Core)
  • osgi-tools, bndlib OSGi bundles: were used by the legacy WAR module transformation and no longer used. The osgi-tools bundle was also exporting org.jdom2.* packages, which is no longer the case.


Jackson library upgrade

With this service pack, the Jackson libraries were upgraded to version 2.9.8 in Jahia Core and OSGi features. If you were forcing imports of Jackson 2.2.3 packages in your modules, please remove that requirement: Jackson 2.9.8 features will be used instead. If you are using Jackson or Spring MVC (JSON) functionality in your modules, please, verify and test your modules against that version. Contact the Jahia Support in case of issues related to this Jackson version upgrade.

Static asset minification

With this service pack, the compression (minification) of static assets (CSS / JavaScript) is disabled by default. They are still aggregated together into a single file as before, but not compressed.

You can control the compression behaviour by adding an entry compressAssetsDuringAggregation into your jahia.properties file with either false or true value. The legacy flag for disabling/enabling aggregation (aggregateAndCompressAssets) is not considered anymore and is replaced by the new flags when migrating with the fix applier. (e.g: if aggregateAndCompressAssets was set to false both flags will be set to false, if the property was not set the new flags will use their default value, which is true for the aggregateAssets and false for the compressAssetsDuringAggregation). Consult the documentation.

The compressor library (YUI Compressor) does not support JDK 11 and is no longer maintained by its owner, therefore the compression is always deactivated when Jahia is running on JDK 11, to avoid issues with the compressor.

Since this Jahia release, the usage of the YUI Compressor and automatic compression of static assets are deprecated and will be removed in the next service pack or major release.

Please consult our best practices regarding asset management which explains how to use minify your files. 


Drop of SQL Server 2012 support

  • SQL Server 2012 is not supported anymore starting from DX
  • SQL Server 2014 is still part of the supported stack


Digital Experience Manager - Changelog


  • Fixed handling of timers in custom workflows
  • Fixed handling of date fields in custom workflow forms
  • Fixed unpublication of internationalized content in several languages issue, caused by the execution order of the related workflows

Edit Mode

  • Hide document manager, content manager and site manager access by revoking corresponding permissions
  • Fixed issue when switching between search and browse views in managers / pickers
  • Fixed tooltip issue in edit mode language switcher
  • Fixed issue with unstable context menus
  • Improved the message display of the mandatory properties alert box when publishing nodes
  • Ensured empty fields in editor when using "Save and add new"
  • Fixed handling of date fields with 'format' picker option in CND, defined in a mixin type
  • Fixed duplicate subtemplates in TemplatesNodeChoizeListInitializer
  • Fixed issue in Edit engine when using hidden properties in extends mixin
  • Fixed issue where editor couldn't access the edit mode
  • Avoid error when using "copy to other languages" during translation

Module deployment

  • Added a cluster synchronization before installing a new module
  • Fixed issue when modules could be stopped during first cluster synchronisation
  • Fixed module deployment API exception on standalone server when the target is specified
  • Fixed issue with privileges in roles not updated when adding an external permission
  • Fixed issue when Spring application context failure is encountered
  • Changed log level when redeploying a bundle with Job not found exception
  • Fixed the resolution of bundle dependencies


  • Drop support of Maven 3.0
  • [Search] Added the possibility to exclude a node with specific mixin type from search results
  • [Tools] Security filter splitted into core and tools (with JWT)
  • Improved bundleCacheSize cache configuration to have it per workspace
  • [Cluster] Deactivated synchronisation of OSGI configurations in cluster
  • Fixed issue with possibly writing stale objects into template cache
  • [Work in progress] Fixed work in progress issue on non i18n nodes
  • [SEO] Fixed Vanity url creation after publishing node
  • [CKEditor] Changed log level of the CKEditor validation message from error to warning
  • [Import/Export] Fixed issue in case of large query when exporting nodes by avoiding StackOverflow error
  • [Installer] Fixed pwd display when using command line installer
  • [Studio] Display nodetypes with same names in list restrictions choicelist
  • Added proper valve results to request for SSOValve
  • Deactivated by default the compression of static assets during aggregation

Anthracite Theme

  • Collapse system site settings by default in administration
  • UI Improvement on Metadata tab in the Edit engine
  • Keep page tree open, when pinned, after page reload
  • Added a border to the CKEditor dropdowns
  • Fixed layout issues in CKEditor menus
  • Fixed access to the site settings on Distant Publication servers
  • Fixed layout issue in background jobs UI
  • Added display of the application toolbar when the site settings page is open
  • Fixed search in edit mode issue
  • Fixed issue where area which was covered by left panel was sometimes not clickable
  • Fixed warning color on delete permanently in trash
  • Added Thumbnail and Details view in search panel of pickers
  • Added missing context menu icons
  • Fixed invisible column titles and table header width of background jobs
  • Fixed issue on left panel to avoid overlaying text on "Pages" tab
  • Added missing icon for external provider in managers tree view
  • Fixed license message in production mode
  • Fixed a sizing issue in the language switcher display in managers
  • Fixed default frame height
  • Fixed the display of column titles in pickers to be able to sort
  • Fixed publication status bar display
  • Fixed license message in production mode on Safari
  • Fixed icons inconsistency in contextual menus between CMM and managers/edit-mode
  • Fixed the scroll on content tab in case of a big subtree
  • Fixed selectors display issues

Modules - Changelog

Support tools - 2.1.8

Jahia API security config and filter tools - 1.0.3

  • Fixed copy of JWT token in the tools using Firefox

GraphQL Core - 1.1.0

  • Upgrade GraphQL Java to version 11.0, GraphQL Java Annotations to version 6.1 and GraphQL Java Servlet to version 4.7-jahia
  • Added support into GraphQL API to retrieve constraints for property definition
  • Support all/any/none on multi-level composite constraints
  • Added constraints lt/lte/gt/gte for numeric and date type, lastDays for date type, exists for boolean type
  • Added functions (LOWER_CASE/UPPER_CASE/NODE_NAME/NODE_LOCAL_NAME) to property comparison
  • Introduce new SDL Report Tool inside Jahia Tools to monitor status of SDL file deployments

JCR Rest API - 2.4.0

  • Upgraded Apache Commons FileUpload to the version 1.3.3 to include latest security fixes
  • Upgrade of Groovy engine from 2.3.11 to 2.5.6

External Data Provider 3.2.1

External Provider Users and Groups - 1.1.4

  • Prevented NullPointerException when sever reconnects to LDAP

CKEditor - 4.7.1-jahia3

  • Fixed issue with div not allowed into a tags in ckEditor

Search - 7.2.6

  • Added i18n resources for the word "label" in advance search

Facets - 7.1.4

  • Fixed HTML structure issue when adding more than one Query Facet

Server Settings - 8.0.7

  • Minor UI improvements for the mail server settings admin panel
  • Fixed error message styling on site import validation screen

Remote Publication - 8.2.2

  • Exclude UGC from remote publication

Site Settings SEO - 1.0.3

  • Fixed Vanity settings panel on IE11

Wiki - 2.1.3

  • Enhanced CSS styles for the wiki
  • Made "Table of contents"-macro working in wiki articles
  • Handled https links as external links