Monitoring the health of your system
About the Jahia Healthcheck probe
The Healthcheck module provides insights about a platform's health and can help trigger alerts or pay attention to key components that might need close attention. Jahia's Healthcheck module provides a JSON output and it can be triggered at will with minimal impact on the platform load.
The healthcheck module is a core component that can be used in conjunction with extension modules in order to provide more information to the monitoring systems.
The healthcheck module returns a global status for the server, as well a status for all tested components. The status can be:
- GREEN (Nominal status)
- YELLOW (Non critical problem)
- RED (Critical issue)
The healthcheck is available through the servlet /healthcheck
to all users who are granted the Jahia server role monitoring
It returns a JSON object with the following structure:
While the core healthcheck provide basic capabilities such as database connectivity and server load checks, additional modules can extend its capabilities. When deploying a proper healthcheck module extension, the healthcheck servlet will automatically be added with the new information.
A typical Healthcheck extension is the healcheck-cluster module.
Custom extensions
Developping a custom extension is straightforward and can be done in two different ways:
Forking the healcheck-extensionexample module (
Manually declarating an OSGi service and implementing a Java interface (described bellow)
Steps to creating a Healthcheck extension:
Updating the pom.xml file
Add the following elements to the pom file:
<dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>org.jahia.modules</groupId> <artifactId>healthcheck</artifactId> <version>[1.0,2.0]</version> <scope>provided</scope> </dependency> </dependencies> <properties> <jahia-depends>default</jahia-depends> <jahia-module-type>system</jahia-module-type> <import-package>org.jahia.modules.healthcheck.interfaces</import-package> </properties> <build> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.felix</groupId> <artifactId>maven-bundle-plugin</artifactId> <extensions>true</extensions> <configuration> <instructions> <Jahia-Depends>default, healthcheck</Jahia-Depends> <_dsannotations>*</_dsannotations> </instructions> </configuration> </plugin> </plugins> </build>
Creating a new Java class
In the extensionexample module, we decided to create a org.jahia.modules.healthcheckexample.probes package and a file.
Creating a Probe OSGi service
In the Java Class previously created, implement the Probe interface (org.jahia.modules.healthcheck.interfaces.Probe) and declare a new Probe service:
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component; import org.jahia.modules.healthcheck.interfaces.Probe; @Component(service = Probe.class, immediate = true) public class ProbeExampleService implements Probe { ... }
Then, implement all 3 methods:
@Override public String getStatus() { ... return "GREEN"; } @Override public JSONObject getData() { // Contains potential error messages. Return null if no message is necessary return jsonObject; } @Override public String getName() { return "ProbeExample"; }