Editing forms

May 31, 2024

When an editor wants to edit a content, all the fields that compose that content will be accessible through an Edit form. This Edit form (also called editing interface) will be the same whether the content is edited from Page Composer, Page Builder or Content Folders.

The first section of the form is labelled “CONTENT” and is always visible by default. It displays the fields composing the content-item itself. To reuse our very first example of a “Press Release” you’ll see a field for the title, one for the abstract, one for the body, one for the signature and an other one for the “contact-us” line.

Therefore, to create or update content, an editor just have to fill the fields in the CONTENT section and save.

The following sections of the form are hidden by default behind their titles, they allow editors to add more information on that content, like tags or categories (metadatas). You can open each form by clicking in it’s title.

Those sections are, respectively

CLASSIFICATION: this section provides access to tags and categories, tow ways to classify effiently your content.

METADATA: this section contains at least a keyword field that can be used to find a content or page with the search tool. This section can be extended by developpers.

LAYOUT: this section provides advanded settings on how the content should be rendered and styled.

OPTIONS: this section can contain several options added by your development team. By default there is one option avialable, to remove the content from the search results.

SEO: contains the fields and options to optimize the SEO (search engine optimization). This form is very important when editing pages.