Reusing existing content

September 16, 2024

To display in a page a content that already exist on your platform you have to insert a reference to this content in your page.

The type of reference depends of the type of content you want to display.

  1. Click on a button labelled “New content”
  2. In the list of choices, type “reference” in the search bar
  3. Select the apropriate type of reference you want to display in your page :
    - content reference will allow you to display any type of textual / structured content
    - image reference will allow you to insert a single image
    - file reference will allow you to insert a link to a document, the link will be the same, whatever the language
    - file reference (multilingual) will allow you to insert a link to a document, with a dfferent document for each languages
  4. Validate
