jCustomer 2.2.0

January 9, 2024
Aligned with Jahia's cloud-first approach, jExperience 3.2.0 and jCustomer 2.2.0 will first be available on Jahia Cloud. Standalone binaries for on-prem customers are expected to be made available in the next few weeks.

jCustomer 2.2.0

Centered around the introduction of JSON Schemas and Elasticsearch indices optimizations, this new major jCustomer 2.2.0 release is heavily based upon Apache Unomi 2.2.0. 

You can refer to the following release notes to learn more:

As with any major, this version does introduce breaking changes, make sure to review and follow the upgrade guide prior to any changes in production.


  • Improved server version reporting in startup logs
  • Updated the Docker images to use "library/eclipse-temurin:11" as a base due to the depreciation of "library/openjdk:11" used previously
  • Introduced an aliasing mechanism for jCustomer Docker images. You can now use "jahia/jcustomer:2" to automatically fetch the latest version of jCustomer 2.x or "jahia/jcustomer:2.2" to automatically fetch the latest version of jCustomer 2.2.x.


  • Removed unused MVEL script