Upgrading to jCustomer 1.4.2

November 14, 2023
Note that you can (and should) be upgrading to the latest jCustomer version: either to jCustomer-1.4.4 if you want to stay on Elasticsearch 5.6, or to jCustomer 1.5.4 if you can move to Elasticsearch 7.4.


  • Read all of the instructions on this page carefully before proceeding with the upgrade process.
  • Run a pre-production test first.
  1. Backup your jCustomer-1.4.1 instance (in case you run jCustomer in cluster, backup the whole cluster)
    For a detailed description to backup jCustomer please follow the section How to backup jCustomer on this page
  2. Stop the existing modules of jExperience
  3. Stop jCustomer-1.4.1
  4. Download jCustomer-1.4.2 from jExperience customer center and install it
  5. Apply all your custom configurations to the new jCustomer-1.4.2 instance
  6. Start jCustomer-1.4.2 ./start command in the operating system shell.
  7. Connect to the jCustomer Karaf SSH shell using an SSH client such as in the following example (default password karaf):
    ssh -p 8102 karaf@localhost
  8. Start jCustomer (only needed when running jCustomer 1.4.2 for the first time).
  9. Start jExperience modules on your Jahia instance.