Upgrading to jCustomer 1.5.6

November 14, 2023


  • Read all of the instructions on this page carefully before proceeding with the upgrade process.
  • Run a pre-production test first.


Migrating from jCustomer 1.5.4 to jCustomer 1.5.6

  1. Backup your jCustomer-1.5.4 instance (in case you run jCustomer in cluster, backup the whole cluster)
    For a detailed description to backup jCustomer please follow the section How to backup jCustomer on this page
  2. Stop the existing modules of jExperience
  3. Stop jCustomer-1.5.4
  4. Download jCustomer-1.5.6 from jExperience customer center and install it
  5. Apply all your custom configurations to the new jCustomer-1.5.6 instance
  6. Start jCustomer-1.5.6 ./start command in the operating system shell.
  7. Connect to the jCustomer Karaf SSH shell using an SSH client such as in the following example (default password karaf):
    ssh -p 8102 karaf@localhost
  8. Start jCustomer (only needed when running jCustomer 1.5.6 for the first time).
  9. Start jExperience modules on your Jahia instance.


Migrating from jCustomer 1.5.3 (or older) to jCustomer 1.5.6

In case you are migrating to jCustomer 1.5.6 from a version before 1.5.4, you need follow the steps for custom scripts described in this Upgrading from jCustomer 1.5.x to jCustomer 1.5.4. Just download and start jCustomer 1.5.6 instead of 1.5.4, but follow the migration procedure described there.