jExperience 2.3.0
November 14, 2023
jExperience 2.3.0
jExperience 2.3.0 is maintenance release bringing compatibility with Jahia It is compatible with jCustomer 1.6.0.
New features
- Introduced a new personalized list feature
- Added the support for nested personalizations and AB Tests
- Updated personalization event to add control groups information
- Introduced customizations to enrich the jExperience data layer
- Added the ability for a developer to provide Unomi groovy actions with their module
- Added the ability to segment, score & personalize based on click events
- Added the ability to map hidden fields in HTML forms
- Added support for negative scores in scoring plans
- Added the ability to build conditions based on relative dates (for example: now-3d)
- Generate user-friendly IDs when creating segments, scores and lists
- UI Improvements to the scoring plan, personal panel, condition builder
- Added a search capabilities to the scoring plans dropdown and profile properties selector
- Change default view for scoring plans on profile panel
- Display event type in the condition builder
- Added support for content-type restrictions set by a cnd for AB tests or personalized content
- Display jCustomer key in jExperience settings page
- Renamed jExperience Metrics Dashboard to "Goals" and cleaned the screen.
- Make jExperience compatible with the updated security filter released in Jahia
- Added support for non-existing tags and categories in the condition builder
- Added helper for the “wemmix:deactivateJSExecution” mixin
- Automatically select the display strategy when creating a personalization
- Updated jExperience to be compatible with Jahia Token per page (future feature in Jahia)
- Fix an issue allowing read-only values to be modified in a profile
- Added warning messages when saving optimization test with missing required fields
- Added a missing error message when traffic total is not 100% in AB Tests
- Fixed various UI bugs in the personal panel
- Fixed consistency in french translation for scoring plan / plan de notation
- Fixed an issue with selecting the “GreaterThanOrEqualTo” operator for a profile property condition.
- Fixed scoring dropdown in condition builder
- Fixed label consistency in tracking information page
- Fixed button content type restrictions in personalizations and AB tests
- Fixed selection of a form field in form mapping
- Fixed a UI bug when using the page picker in the goals page
- If jExperience is not enabled on a site, ensure the back-office would not show the jExperience menu for that site.
- Added missing translations
- Fixed labels showing an extra dot in the UI
- Improved error message when adding special characters in interests
- Prevent rules with empty actions to send warnings to jCustomer
- Fixed a usability issue with a large number of scoring plans
- Fixed error message when editing a paste reference personalized component
- Removed ability to create personalizations and AB tests from jExperience back office.
- Removed internal searches, referrers, incoming searches and most visited pages view. These features have been replaced by the kibana-dashboards and jExperience-dashboards modules.
- Removed the analytics tab. These features have been replaced by the kibana-dashboards and jExperience-dashboards modules.
- Removed jexperience.jcustomerCookieDomain since it became unnecessary with recent versions of jCustomer.