Publishing from Edit forms

May 22, 2024

While most of the time a publi cation is done at the page level, it is very usefull to be able to publish a content-item individualy. This can be done directly from the Edit forms.

When content is created or updated, you can publish it to make it available to your visitors. You can request a publication to start a publication workflow, or publish your content immediately, depending on your permissions and role. When you start a workflow, the content is sent to other users for review and approval.

Note: To publish content without review, you require the Publish permission.

To publish content from the editing interfaces:

  1. Navigate to your content and open it for editing.
  2. Activate the advanced mode by clicking on the top-right button. (image). Since Jahia 8.2 the publication buttons are not available in the simple (by default) mode.
  3. Ensure that all changes are saved. To avoid any confusion about what will be published, the Publish button is disabled until you save your changes.

    Publication is not available yet, changes must be saved first
    Publication is now available, after a save
  4. Depending on your permissions, you'll be able to start a publishing workflow by requesting publication or publish directly.

    • To start a publishing workflow, click the Request publication button. The Publication dashboard opens. For more information on requesting publication through a publication workflow, see Publication dashboard.

    • To publish content immediately, at the top right of the page click Publish Now. Once you clicked on Publish now, you can leave the page.

  5. A message indicates that publication is in progress. A message then displays at the bottom left of the page indicating that publication is in a queue.

After your content is published, it is available to site visitors if it is used in a page or application on your site.


If necessary, you can unpublish a content-item to make it unavailable on your live sites or applications.

To unpublish content:

  1. Navigate to your content and open it for editing.

  2. Activate the advanced mode by clicking on the top-right button. (image). Since Jahia 8.2 the publication buttons are not available in the simple (by default) mode.

  3. At the top right of the page, click the down arrow button and then select Unpublish.A message displays at the bottom left of the page indicating that the content is unpublished.

The content is no longer live in your sites and applications.