Login event

November 14, 2023

Login event details

A login event occurs when a visitor fills in a login form, providing credentials to access content, eg. login to access a support portal.

For a login event to occur, there must be PUBLISHED content with a user login configured for visitors on your Jahia site or application. The login event populates information about the Jahia user, fields displayed may vary. By default the Jahia user includes the following:

Properties Description
Email Email address
Jahia User Key Unique Id - Jahia User Key will always be present for a user with a login
Preferred Language Depends on languages used in your Jahia System
First Name As populated in Jahia system
Last Name As populated in Jahia system
Gender As populated in Jahia system
Nationality As populated in Jahia system
Birth date As populated in Jahia system
Phone number As populated in Jahia system