DX Release Notes
November 11, 2022
This document is a wrap up of the production patches delivered between DX V7.2.0.1 and DX V7.2.0.2
Underlying content platform:
- Fixed rules consequences "Set not existing property {property} of the {node} with the current time" and "Set not existing property {property} of the {node} with the name of the current user"
- Correctly log node removed operations in "DX_HOME/tomcat/logs/jahia_access.log" during publication. Added node type information if available.
- Fixed dependentProperties handling for DualListFields
- Document Viewer updated to avoid an attempt to convert a document to SWF in case SWFTools path is empty
- Provide .bat scripts to get module state and to execute deployment actions
Digital Experience Manager:
Bootstrap 3
- Corrected Bootstrap 3 pager in case the DX Web application is using non-ROOT context
- Links to DX modes are no longer cached per user and log a warning when entire HTMLCache gets flushed due to a fragment eviction with huge dependency
- Cache some settings in JCRSiteNode for better performance
DX configuration and settings
- Fixed display of email and organization username in PrivateAppStore
- Use jahia.property authorizedRedirectHosts also for action redirects to avoid unauthorized redirections
- Introduced support for JVM system properties for HTTP and HTTPS proxies as well as bypass proxy configuration as described in https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/net/doc-files/net-properties.html
- ErrorFileDumper will not dump errors on the file system as expected when the property dumpErrorsToFiles = false
- Fixed startup errors when addAclUuidInIndex has been set to false in workspace.xml
- Added functionality that detects installation folder relocation and updates file paths to avoid errors correspondingly on startup.
- Introduced indexes for foreign keys in jBPM database tables for performance optimization of workflow-related operations (PostgreSQL, Oracle and SQL Server)
- Fixed handling of schema and port in the URLs of sitemap
- Extended and improved the existing German translations
- Add new JNI calls to send cut/copy event
- Enable the usage of defaultSynchronizeNameWithTitle in jahia.properties
Edit engine
- Fixed inconsistency with translation view in some cases
- Publication Manager fixed to allow a user with start publication permissions to start publication workflow
- Corrected small typo in German labels for workflow actions
- Enable video streaming for Dailymotion (watt) when using https protocol
- Correctly load translation view with translation provider activated
- Take into consideration the useFullPublicationInfoInMainAreaModules value when calculating publication status of content in the main area of edit mode
- Fixed language switcher which was ignoring invalid language settings for content
- Add a thumbnail property on the page template and display it in the template dropdown list on the page creation form
- Display thumbnails for page template in template choicelist edit engines for Digitall demo site
- Fix "jcr:modifyProperties_LOCALE" permission when importing a site with inactive locales
- Fixed issue on import of user generated content
External providers
- Improved logging to provide more details about why ldap user is not logged in (timeout, bad password)
- Avoid languages constraints in external user provider queries
- Fixed iterator which is retrieving group members, to continue iterating when a member has a no longer valid reference
- Added support of a pre-defined (fixed) filter for LDAP users or/and groups provider
- Formbuilder: send mail action is now working also with site users
- Corrected captcha behaviour in FormBuilder
- Use a user picker instead of choicelist in Form Builder
- Now linkchecker http client supports JVM parameters for proxy servers
- Switched to HTTPS protocol for the maps API used by location module
- Improved left panel loading in managers
- Fixed an issue in file upload dialog (GWT Document Manager) when using "rename" option with existing file name
- Search terms for searches in DX Managers are now properly supporting exclamation mark
- Content Manager fixed to avoid resetting properties to default values when editing multiple selected items simultaneously
Module deployment
- Fix OSGI wiring issues between bundles (wirings was not refreshed after bundle update)
- Prevent ConcurrentModificationException in some cases during cold deployment/undeployment of modules
- Better handle when a refresh is needed by stopping manually the bundle, then update, refresh and restart it.
- Improve file removal when uninstalling a bundle
- Fixed concurrency issue during deployment/start of a new module versions
Remote publication
- Fixed issue updating properties of a target remotely published site that caused next session of remote publication replay all events from the very beginning.
- Enable the filtering of properties, versions, children and mixins in JSON representations
- Improved RESTful API to query module states
- New shell scripts to get local and clusterwide OSGI and DX states of modules
- Prevent caching of GET responses by setting HTTP response headers
- Fixed sorting of facet values when using a label renderer
- New indexation rules available to exclude nodetypes from search-index (e.g. images, files)
- Fixed issue on facet list for view tagcloud and javascript tagcloud where panel for removing items was lost on last facet level
- The dynamic view for search results support was removed in favour of using standard view priority to achieve the same.
Server and site settings
- Fixed small typo in the German label for list of projects
- Fixed typo in German label for group members limit
- Users can see SiteSettings panel only when they have the siteSettingsSelector permission, the permission is set on Editor role by default
- Correctly set the default site after the one has been removed (internal issue, side-effect of dev)
- Add a new permission siteAdminNewsletter to protect newsletter management
- Addressed security vulnerability that allows access to some DF / DX administration resources without requesting credentials
- remove access-templates-filters module (now part of the product)
- Support "multiple" attribute in definitions on double and long
- Corrected module Maven archetype version which is used in Studio for creation new modules / template sets
- Include fix to bndLib 2.3.0 to prevent infinite loop ( https://github.com/bndtools/bnd/pull/818 ) while compiling modules
- Fixed issue with the creation of modules in Studio (issue with the version 3.0.0 of maven-archetype-plugin)
- Remove a duplicate and irrelevant link to download a thread dump
- Fixed regression with versions not being shown in the Tools / JCR Browser
- Groovy console: added possibility to run predefined scripts
- Added cluster state information (nodes and groups) for Hazelcast into Tools area
- Introduced tool for viewing registered business rules, temporary disabling/enabling them for troubleshooting/debugging. Allow permanently disabling some business rules by configuration.
- Added ability to export useful support information (including DX configuration files) as a ZIP file from DX Tools area
- Added possibility to re-index just a subtree of the JCR repository from the Jahia Tools by specifying a node to start with and the target workspace
User Dashboard
- Fixed regular expression for email validation in user profile